
Start With Inclusion

The Lab's Inclusion strategy is to build a welcoming environment where staff feel respected, supported, and valued to fully participate. IDEA - inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability - is a permanent feature of the culture at Berkeley Lab.

For more resources and trainings, please visit the Learning@LBL website brought to you by Berkeley Lab's Learning & Organizational Development Office.

Resources include:

  • Recommended courses like Inclusion During Difficult Times & Communicating About Culturally Sensitive Issues

  • Self Directed Learning Platforms such as LinkedIn, Gartner & the UC Learning Center

  • Self Development courses, articles, books and podcasts

  • Team Development resources on team building, coaching, management

Do you need a slide for a quick meeting opener or a prompt to start a longer discussion on inclusion? Check out the One Minute for IDEA slides.

For a longer discussion, check out the Discussion Guide Library

What makes Berkeley Lab special? Mary Ann Piette, Division Director, Building Technology & Urban Systems, thinks it is the combination of the diverse cultures and the diverse science that employees bring to the Lab.